Essence December Beauty Box Review: Soulful. Colorful. Beautiful.

If you're anything like me, then you haven't had the chance to fully enjoy the holidays until it's over. I have a very large family - no, a very large family - so we always have events to celebrate - especially at the end of the year. Normally, it isn't until December 28th or 29th that I'm really able to sit back, relax and catch up on everything that I've missed over the past month or so. So can we dive into the December Essence Beauty Box? I know you've seen other bloggers talking about the December box already and it makes me so happy that you guys are really taking to the program but you know I have to give you my thoughts...

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So I'm going to start off with one of my favorite products from this months' box - the thick & full biotin & collagen conditioner by OGX Beauty.

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