Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America Bowling Kick Off Event

On Saturday, March 22, I visited AMF Syosset Lanes in Syosset NY for the Crohn's & Colitis Bowling Kick off event. Crohn's & Colitis is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to raising awareness and mission-critical funds to find cures for digestive diseases.

The Bowling Kick off event was held as a meet and greet for Team Captains and other Take Steps Walkers to introduce themselves, share their stories and learn great fundraising tips and ideas, so that everyone can achieve their fundraising goal. During the event, people were encouraged to sign up for the Long Island Take Steps for Crohn's & Colitis Walk - which is a fun, family event that is being held on June 8th. Click here to register.

The bowling kick off event turned out to be a fantastic day of family fun. Teams were able to bring their kids and mingle with Directors, Board Members, Managers, and other Take Steps walkers to learn more about their goals for the fundraiser.

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    I hope to see a lot of you at the next event!

